Table of Contents

Magic Wormhole

Magic Wormhole is a tool to easy way to send data (a file or a directory) between a local computer and rhea. You need shell access on both the sender and receiver, but the computers can be on separate networks each behind their own firewalls.


# get homebrew and python on MacOS if needed
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
brew install python 
# get magic-wormhole
python -m pip install magic-wormhole
command -v wormhole # confirm 'wormhole' is in PATH. see 
                    #  pip show -vf magic-wormhole|grep -P 'Location:|/wormhole$'
                    # add to ~/.zshrc:  export PATH="$PATH:$path_from_above"

Or download and run rymdport for a stand alone graphical interface!



  1. local: wormhole send $file
  2. rhea: wormhole recive $code


wormhole-william is a compatible implementation provided as a single binary (written in golang) that will be easier to install if you do not already have python available locally (avoids pip install magicwormhole).

For a graphical interface see rymdport, a single binary GUI implementation.


also see Remote Access