Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR)

Changes in the E/I balance directly affect the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of local circuity, where increases in the E/I balance support the suppression of spontaneous, asynchronous, activity, in favor of evoked, synchronous firing and thus increasing SNR. The Auditory Steady State Response has been suggested to be generated and maintained by GABAA receptors, with auditory response neuronal synchronization transmitted through neuronal networks mediated by GABAA receptors cycling through inhibition and rebound excitation.

Please refer to the LNCD Github Repository

for c = 1:64
            chanData = squeeze(,evokedIdx,:));
            avgData = mean(chanData,2); %avg all the epochs in the time domain then take fft to find evoked
            % Perform FFT
            N = 2^nextpow2(length(avgData));   % Next power of 2 from signal length for FFT
            fft_result = fft(avgData, N)/length(avgData);
            evokedPower(:,c) = (abs(fft_result(1:N/2+1)).^2); % Square the magnitude, turn to db
            frequencies = 512/2*linspace(0,1,N/2+1);
            findx = find(frequencies >= minf & frequencies <= maxf);
            newfreqs = frequencies(:, findx);

            % to find power on each individual trial
            for t = 1:size(chanData, 2)
                trialData = chanData(:,t);
                % Perform FFT
                N = 2^nextpow2(length(trialData));   % Next power of 2 from signal length for FFT
                fft_result = fft(trialData, N)/length(trialData);
                trialPower_spectrum(:,t) = (abs(fft_result(1:N/2+1)).^2); % Square the magnitude,
                frequencies = 512/2*linspace(0,1,N/2+1);


            totalPower(:,c) = mean(trialPower_spectrum,2);
            inducedPower(:,c) = totalPower(:,c) - evokedPower(:,c);
        T = table('Size', [0, 6], 'VariableTypes', {'string', 'double', 'double','double','double','double'});
        T.Properties.VariableNames = {'Subject', 'Channel', 'freqs','Total','Induced', 'Evoked'};
        for c = 1:64
            chanT = table('Size', [0, 6], 'VariableTypes', {'string', 'double', 'double','double','double','double'});
            chanT.Properties.VariableNames = {'Subject', 'Channel', 'freqs','Total','Induced', 'Evoked'};

            for l = 1:length(totalPower)
                chanT.Subject(l) = idvalues{i};
                chanT.Channel(l) = c;
                chanT.freqs(l) = frequencies(1,l);
                chanT.Total(l) = totalPower(l,c);
                chanT.Induced(l) = inducedPower(l,c);
                chanT.Evoked(l) = evokedPower(l,c);


            T = [T ; chanT];