Fitting Oscillations and 1/f (FOOOF)

Please refer to the FOOOF Github Repository for detailed methods of the FOOOF toolbox and to our own LNCD FOOOF Code

The Fitting Oscillations and 1/f (FOOOF) protocol derives the 1/f spectral slope (referred to as the aperiodic exponent) and an offset. The steepness of the slope (i.e., the exponent) has been previously linked to shifts in the Excitation Inhibition Balance, reductions of which reflect shifts toward excitatory activity relative to inhibitory, while increases in the exponent reflect shifts toward inhibitory activity. Independently, the PSD offset is thought to reflect broadband shifts in power, reflecting levels of neuronal population spiking.

FOOOF conceives of a model of the power spectrum as a combination of two distinct functional processes:

FOOOF Protocol