Automatic Eye Scoring

R code to identify and score saccades along the horizontal meridian.

Available in /Volumes/Hera/Projects/autoeyescore and on

trialwise scoring includes

-1 Dropped – blink, too fast, bad tracking, etc
0 Incorrect – looked at the wrong side and never corrected
1 Correct – first saccade to the correct side
2 Error Corrected – first saccade to the wrong side, but next saccade to the correct side

Trialwise scored files look like:

head /Volumes/L/bea_res/Data/Tasks/Anti/Basic/11723/20181119/Scored/txt/11723.20181119.1.trial.txt 

trial   xdat    lat     fstCorrect      ErrCorr AS      Count   Desc
1       131     NA      FALSE   FALSE   AS      -1      average fixpos(0.000000) is off from baseline(130.500000)!
2       132     398     TRUE    FALSE   AS      1
3       134     405     TRUE    FALSE   AS      1
4       134     164     FALSE   TRUE    AS      2


Brain Mechanisms R01 (7T) used the ASL 60Hz eye tracker. Collection of all trialwise scores in /Volumes/L/bea_res/Data/Tasks/Anti/all_trials_7t.tsv 1)

Final trail-wise scored files are like /Volumes/L/bea_res/Data/Tasks/Anti/Basic/1*/2*/Scored/txt/*.1.trial.txt

  1. Raw scan data is copied from the eye tracking computer to L:\Data\Temporary Raw Data\7T
  2. /Volumes/L/bea_res/Data/Temporary\ Raw\ Data/copy7T.bash makes copies into bea_res/Data/Tasks/Anti/Basic/1*/2*/Raw/EyeData/*.eyd
  3. in /Volumes/Hera/Projects/autoeyescore, ./runme.bash -t anti conversts .eyd to .data.tsv and creates Scored/txt/*.1.trial.txt files.
see make -C /Volumes/L/bea_res/Data/Tasks/Anti all_trials_7t.tsv