====== Auditory Steady State Response ====== During auditory steady state, participants are presented with a blank screen and hear a train of clicks in stereo with headphones. The stimulus is presented in blocks of 150 trials. Trials consists of 500ms of click train and 605ms of silence. Blocks are repeats of either 10 20Hz click, 15 30 Hz click, or 20 40 Hz click trains. Block order is randomly assigned (e.g., 30-40-20). The task is written in and executed by NBS Presentation software. \\ * Initially using [[tools:presentation|NeuroBS Presentation]] for [[grants:7t:eeg]] part of [[grants:7t]] * From from Peter Bachman via [[:Projects:NAPLS]] (code from 2009?! ''[[https://github.com/LabNeuroCogDevel/SteadyState.py/blob/master/presentation/gamma40.sce#L1|scenario = "SS40_napls06122009";]]'') * 2020 mention in [[https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8300573/|Electroencephalography and Event-Related Potential Biomarkers in Individuals at Clinical High Risk for Psychosis]] * Python version (and presentation code backup) on github \\ https://github.com/LabNeuroCogDevel/SteadyState.py