==== Aperiodic EEG and 7T MRSI evidence for maturation of E/I balance supporting the development of working memory through adolescence ==== **Project Lead**: Shane McKeon \\ **Project Start Date**: January 2023 \\ **Current Project Status**: Completed \\ **Datasets**: [[grants:7t]] \\ **Github Repository**: [[https://github.com/LabNeuroCogDevel/7T_EEG/blob/main/python/fooof/runFooof.py| FOOOF python code]] [[https://github.com/LabNeuroCogDevel/7T_EEG/tree/main/Rscripts/FOOOF | FOOOF R code]] \\ **Publication DOI**: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dcn.2024.101373 \\ **Conference Presentations** \\ S. McKeon, M. Perica, A. Parr, F. Calabro, W. Foran, H. Hetherington, C. Moon, B. Luna. Aperiodic EEG and 7T MRSI evidence for maturation of E/I balance supporting the development of working memory through adolescence. Developmental Affective Neuroscience Symposium, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. November 2023. (Graduate Poster/Abstract).\\ S. McKeon, M. Perica, A. Parr, F. Calabro, W. Foran, H. Hetherington, C. Moon, B. Luna. Aperiodic EEG and 7T MRSI evidence for maturation of E/I balance supporting the development of working memory through adolescence. Society for Psychophysiological Research, New Orleans, Louisiana. September 2023. (Graduate Poster/Abstract).\\ S. McKeon, M. Perica, A. Parr, F. Calabro, W. Foran, H. Hetherington, C. Moon, B. Luna. Aperiodic EEG and 7T MRSI evidence for maturation of E/I balance supporting the development of working memory through adolescence. Flux Society, Santa Rosa, California. September 2023. (Graduate Poster/Abstract). \\ **Code Documentation** \\ * Path to preprocessed resting state data '/Volumes/Hera/Projects/7TBrainMech/scripts/eeg/Shane/preprocessed_data/Resting_State/AfterWhole/ICAwholeClean_homogenize' * Run runfooof.py using the following parameters * For compute_psd * (method='welch', fmin=1, fmax=50, tmin=0, tmax=None, picks='all', n_fft=256, n_overlap=128, window='hamming') * For FOOOF modeling * peak_width_limits=[0.5, 12], min_peak_height=0, peak_threshold=2, aperiodic_mode='fixed', max_n_peaks=4, verbose=False * Frequency range to fit: [1,50] * The python code will extract the aperiodic measures and save out a csv file for R. These values are then loaded into the merge7t.csv dataframe by Will Foran * Begin with CreateFOOOFdataframes.R in the FOOOF R Code github repository * This will extract the necessary MRSI, FOOOF, and behavioral measures from the large merge7t dataframe * Run fooofAnalysis.R to analyze the age-related changes in the aperiodic measures * Run MRSIanalysis.R to analyze the age-related changes in the MRSI measures * Run behaviorAnalysis.R to assess the age-related changes in the MGS and Spatial Span task * Run MRSvsFOOOF.R to assess the associations between the MRS mesures and the FOOOF measures * Run BrainBehav.R to assess the MRSI and FOOOF measures against the behavioral measures * The FOOOFMRSPaper.Rmd file will output all the figures seen in the paper